Opera Lab Conservatorium Open Academy

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Opera Lab

Welcome to the enrolment page for Opera Lab and Music Theatre Lab 2021 and congratulations on your successful audition.

To enrol please scroll down to the ENROL NOW box and follow the prompts.


$860 incl. GST


Saturday June 26
Sunday June 27
Monday June 28
Tuesday June 29
Wednesday June 30
Thursday July 1
Friday July 2
Saturday July 3

The times of the sessions are still being finalised but most most days will have morning and afternoon sessions with the occasional music call for selected roles in the early evening. Students in both the Opera Lab and Music Theatre Lab will have one rest day during the 8-day period and this day will be confirmed shortly. The full rehearsal schedule will be sent to you in the week commencing June 14.

Once you have enrolled you will be sent a dropbox link which will give details of your casting and repertoire for the Production.

The programs will conclude with a performance on July 3. This will be open to the public. The time of the show has not been set yet but is likely to be late afternoon. Once the time is confirmed booking information will be sent to you.

We look forward to you joining us for Opera Lab and Music Theatre Lab 2021