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Deep Dive into Rhyme

Deep Dive into Rhyme If you have ever wondered how other songwriters come up with such fresh, interesting, original rhymes, or simply want to give yourself more options and freedom with lyric writing, this workshop is designed for you! In 2 hours, we will: • Learn 5 distinct rhyme types. • Learn a method for accessing the deep pool of rhyme possibilities. • Use rhyme as a brainstorming tool for your lyric writing. We'll address how to get beyond stale, predictable, or cliched rhyme... [More]

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Music Fundamentals Level 2 ONLINE

Unpack the language of music in this series of courses. This course extends the practical and theoretical skills achieved in Level 1 and also begins an extensive study of harmony, with an historic look at this development, analysing triads and their inversions, and culminating in a thorough study of all 7th type chords. Cadences and minor scales are also covered. Level 2 will cover: Be able to construct 3 note chords Triads from any note  Understanding common chord progression.... [More]

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